Pineta Family Camping Village



Įvertinimai išsamiai

  • Ramybė

  • Maistas / Parduotuvės

  • Infrastruktūra

  • Laisvalaikio užsiėmimai

  • Vieta

  • Kainos ir kokybės santykis

  • Sanitarinės patalpos

Svečiai įvertino kaip „Tinka“

Šeimos su vaikais, jaunesniais nei 12 metų
Šeimos su vaikais, jaunesniais nei 18 metų
Šeimos su vaikais, jaunesniais nei 6 metų
Jaunimo grupės


Riviera Romagnola and glamorous Milano Marittima close at hand. Beach pines, sea, nightlife and high-end shopping have long been characteristic of Milano Marittima. A holiday in the heart of the "garden city", close to Cervia and a site of culture … such as Ravenna, is a good basis for getting to know Romagna and its long tourist tradition. A holiday day starts wonderfully after a delicious breakfast! Comfortably at the table enjoying all the delicacies we have prepared in our bar is the best way to start a day on the Riviera Romagnola. The evening is for relaxing, recounting the day's experiences, reflecting on your beach adventures and counting the kilometres you've covered. Whatever you have experienced, a quiet dinner in the restaurant of the Pineta Family Camping Village of Milano Marittima is a good ending! Look forward to a fantastic day right on the beach of Milano Marittima: there are plenty of activities on the programme for kids or they can use the pool in complete safety, as a lifeguard is always present. Everything is available, the choice is yours! You are on the long sandy beach of Pineta Family Camping Village: there are courts for beach volley and beach tennis, but also numerous games for children. With the attentive service of the bar and restaurant, live music, happy hour and the exuberant atmosphere typical of Romagna, every holiday becomes a lasting experience! Outdoor activities are an important part of any holiday: for adults who want to stay active and for children who want to have fun. For kids, there are games on the beach, sports, labs and the much-anticipated Baby Dance! For the grown-ups, there are dance evenings, karaoke, live music, show programmes, as well as gymnastics on the beach, games and tournaments. A 500 sqm glass house surrounded by the magnificent Cervia pine grove, where the climate and vegetation of the rainforest are imitated and thousands of butterflies from the tropical areas of Africa, Asia, America and Australia can be admired: A visit to the House of Butterflies is not to be missed on a holiday with children in Milano Marittima.
  • Stovyklavietės kategorija:
  • Svetainės dydis: 3 ha
  • Bendras aikštelių skaičius: 151
  • Turistų aikštelių skaičius: 151
  • Kemperių aikštelės priešais vartus: 0
  • Sustojimo aikštelės priešais vartus taip pat skirtos karavanams: Nepasiekiamas
Siūlykite pakeitimą
Orientacinė kaina
Sezono metas 37,00 €*
Ne sezono metas 30,00 €*
*Du suaugusieji, namelis-autopriekaba, automobilis, elektra ir vietiniai mokesčiai už naktį
Darbo valandos
20. април - 24. септември


SS16 between Ravenna and Rimini. Leave the road at Milano Marittima and follow campsite signs.
  • Jūra: Stovyklavietėje
  • Kalnuose: Ne
  • Kitas miestas: 1,5 km
  • Kitas miestelis/kaimas: 0,5 km
  • Traukinių ar autobusų stotis: Stovyklavietėje
  • Išvažiavimas iš greitkelio: 30 km
Viale Matteotti 186
48015 Milano Marittima/ Cervia
GPS koordinatės
Lat 44.29656718852568, Long 12.345875563507075
Gauti nuorodas
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Pineta Family Camping Village
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